Growing Up With HizzeHope
In the winter of January 30, 1988 Grace and Arnold Elisma welcomed their newborn son Brian Matthew Elisma into the world. During the first months of life, Brian later to be called HizzeHope was suffering from health issues and required medical attention on a daily basis. At the beginning, his parents assumed the worst nevertheless with prayer and blessings Brian made a full recovery. “I remember sitting there with Brian in my arms; I even remember the color of his bib he was wearing. As soon as I looked up and back down again he was not breathing and then he started vomiting excessively that is when I knew something was wrong with my son” his mother said. After those tests were conducted and concluded HizzeHope was diagnosed with extreme acidic reflux but thanks to God it was not the gastro-esophageal reflux disease, which affects many infants today. Afterwards Life resumed as normal and the time for worrying were behind his parents.” Home sweet home we go” his father said.
Brian grew up in a small community located 15 miles outside New York City, the neighborhood of New Cassel, Westbury, New York. Here is where the first sentiment of music laid its influence on HizzeHope. At a young age “I had to be almost one years old probably younger, well, that is as far back as I can remember ,anyway, my father use to sit me on his lap and sing to me bouncing me up and down like it was a roller coaster ride” said HizzeHope in an exclusive interview with Billionaire Swag Entertainment. “He sang this Haitian carol which always made me fall asleep, I mean the same carol over and over again” said HizzeHope. His mother a native of Grenada introduced Soca and the Caribbean rhythm. “I remember my mother blasting the gospel Caribbean reggae and Soca all throughout the day, all throughout the house, the whole neighborhood heard it” HizzeHope said. His mother at the time was a gospel singer and choir director for the local church. She taught him how to sing and write music with precision.
At the age of seven years old HizzeHope and his cousin, Rashidi Golding idolized Kc & Jo Jo and wanted to be just like them. While laughing, this is what he had to say about his idolization to Kc & Jo Jo, “I didn’t know what we were thinking, what we were doing. All we knew was that Kc & Jo Jo was the older us, I remember practicing a week straight with my cousin, getting the dance routine down, we were set to perform in church that Sunday. When we got on stage and seen all those people we almost fainted but we stuck together and accomplished the first performance ever, the crowd was going wild but more so because we were babies in their eyes still” said HizzeHope.
Coming from a music family it is hard to narrow just one event or one person but it seems that his sisters motivated him the most. His sister Tracey, Deneshia and Dawn all contributed to HizzeHope brewing determination to succeed in the music industry. “I remember watching Tracey sing for people, watching her in the studio and on stage then watching the reaction of the audience. The reaction of the audience made me want to be just like my sister, a great musician and singer. Deneshia the same thing but dawn was different” HizzeHope said. Like every kid in America playing professional sport may be the dream but most of the time, the opportunity fall short. “I remember my sister training me out every day and night, man I thought I was the next M.J., I traveled all around the country before I was a senior in high school, I was determined to do the most to get there, unfortunately it did not work out” said HizzeHope.
At that time between twelve through seventeen years old HizzeHope did not do any music, why? Well every year he was losing a friend to the violence in his neighborhood. “After my Cousin Jennifer died I didn’t want to do any more music, I was hurt then five other friends died and my music was the last thing on my mind. I decided to change my life around, I was always smart so I went to college tried to walk on for the basketball team but the politics behind that was ridicules” said HizzeHope. That first year in school he attempted to do more music but the party life consumed him but his grades stayed up. Not until his junior year in college that he started to pick up music again. “The pressure, my thoughts, started to be unbearable so I needed an outlet so I turned back to music” HizzeHope said. With the help of friends they started recording again in their dorm room every night, “it was crazy, we had a mic hanging from the ceiling fan, had the laptop hooked up to the television, trust me it was ghetto but it worked” HizzeHope said. That year HizzeHope put out over eighty songs and fifty of those songs made the charts. He was then invited to do shows in New York and Cincinnati. “I remember being so nervous singing the national anthem at the Cincinnati Cyclones game in front of more than eight thousand people, but it happened and they loved me, man I’m very grateful for that opportunity because for the first time in a long time I knew I would be alright again.” After that pivotal performance HizzeHope performed any and everywhere in order to build his brand, he even sold his mixtape out the truck of his car. “I read up on how T.I. and Jay-z went state to state selling out the truck so I did the same thing, I was determined even more today than back then” HizzeHope said.
Presently HizzeHope has a new project out on datpiff.com entitled “Before the End Vol. 1” which encompasses eight-teen songs all which are heart felt realistic songs. He has recently put out a few singles, Long Island (produced by Steve Cash), Take off (Produced by Chills), Lifestyle Feat. Joose (Produced by chills), Does it feat. Stan Da Man (Produced by chills) and Ratchet Hoes feat. Joose (produce by Chills) accessible through soundcloud.com. Upcoming HizzeHope will be a part of a new established comedy show called “You Ugly” as well as the “Cincinnati R&B takeover edition 1.” For the future and present day, HizzeHope plans on perfecting his skills in the art of producing, engineering and photography to steam-line his business model. “I want to be cost effective so I self-taught myself Pro-tools, reason and fruity-loop all in a year, I have been engineering for a while now but there is always more to learn, photography is a new venture for me but my videographer has helped me every step of the way, I guess I am lucky to have met people willing to share their knowledge with me” HizzeHope said. For more information on HizzeHope and events please visit HizzeHope on facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud, and reverbnations today. For Booking information and/or features inquiry please contact management at dizzehope@gmail.com.
Hizze Hope – Why They Wanna Kill ME
Before The End. Vol 1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hizzehope?lang=en
Fanpage Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hizzehope
Personal Page: https://www.facebook.com/DIZZEHOPE?fref=ts
Instagram: @HizzeHope
Reverbnation: http://www.reverbnation.com/hizzehope
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/hizzehope
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