Exclusive BossChick Raine interview. In this edition BossChick Raine talks about how she got Boss Chick Battle League started.

BossChick Raine talks about the difference between her as a woman being an owner and being a man owner, she says there is a difference. BossChick Raine says men don't give her the proper look because she's a woman in a male dominated niche. She says most men will only do business with me if I talk to them, if I don't talk to them they won't do business with me or even co-sign me, I think that's not fair. BossChick Raine says men would rather give somebody they don't respect a co-sign before they salute a real woman. She says men have camaraderie amongst each other, meanwhile women don't have that same respect amongst women.

BossChick Raine says she's not in competition with anybody. The competition doesn't motivate me, the thrill of it does. BossChick Raine says, the competition I'm about is the competition that pushes the culture forward. The competition like, when I see somebody doing something nice makes me want to do it better. I salute platforms like U.R.L's and King Of The Dots's for creating the best examples of battle rap as a business. I think competition is good for the culture, I'm not competing against people who I don't think is good, that's not competition. BossChick Raine says focus on you, I'm not worry about everyone else, I'm trying to put the best product forward.

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