Home First Listen #FirstListen: McKinley Dixon (@McKinleyDixon) – The Importance of Self Belief (Stream)

#FirstListen: McKinley Dixon (@McKinleyDixon) – The Importance of Self Belief (Stream)


Talented Hip Hop artist, McKinley Dixon released a new mixtape today called, The Importance of Self Belief, inspired by individuals from his community – all who he shares impactful moments with throughout life in Richmond, V.A. Dixon collaborated with 30 musicians to bring this creative and meaningful mixtape to life. These musicians include: Onirologia, Reginald Chapman, Gold Midas, Folfiz, Vanilla Summit, Letjo, and Reggie Pace. All together, these artists produced a total of 10 tracks that bring illuminate real life struggles of these individuals simultaneously addressing societal issues such as: police brutality, poverty, gender inequality, and crime. Tap in now!

LISTEN: https://soundcloud.com/mc-kinley/sets/tiosb


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