Home First Listen #FirstListen: Te’Luvv – Free One (LP)

#FirstListen: Te’Luvv – Free One (LP)


This is “Te’Luvv’s” testimony, just a youth raised in Detroit, MI in a broken home ravaged by alcoholism & domestic violence, Te’Luvv overcame these obstacles and found the word of God his freshman year in college.  Since then he has been on a mission to spread the word & impact the lives of everyone who is lucky to surround him. His latest album Free One is full of scriptures, verses and uplifting words that are sure to motivate and change lives. Te’Luvv has partnered with Sound Alive Records, to bring his music to life & reach new audiences around the world. Leave a comment if you’re feeling this one or not below!

LISTEN: https://open.spotify.com/album/2if0ALnzsXqlLBva6JeRVx


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