Freddie Gibbs
Freddie Gibbs – "The Real G Money" [Music Video]
Freddie Gibbs What's colder than Freddie Gibbs rapping with a glock and a blunt at his disposal? In black & white, that's what. Off his latest LP, ESGN (Evil Seeds Grow Naturally), Gary, Indiana's own rides around briefly to let the town know what's on his mind in his latest visual titled "The Real G Money." Only the first verse is put on for this visual, but how gritty things came out with this video do you really need anymore of a physical picture to be painted with what's on Gangsta Gibbs mind? Holler at me via @Chad_Law on Twitter and the good folks over at Hip Hop Is Real for more feedback after peeping this visual.
By: Chad Law
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Freddie Gibbs