Home Interviews TEKASHI69 MAD MAN OR GENIUS??? BRO. SMALLS’ BREAK DOWN!InterviewsKey Of Life ProductionTEKASHI69 MAD MAN OR GENIUS??? BRO. SMALLS’ BREAK DOWN!By Genuinepro - April 17, 2018970FacebookTwitter TEKASHI69 MAD MAN OR GENIUS??? BRO. SMALLS‘ BREAK DOWN!TEKASHI69 MAD MAN OR GENIUS??? BRO. SMALLS’ BREAK DOWN! RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHORAVE POPS UP ON SQUEAKO IN CHEESETOWN PT. 1SNAKE EYES EXPRESSES HIS FRUSTRATIONS WITH LEAVING URLBIG T “HOLLOW SUPPOSED TO BE MY FIRST BATTLE ON URLLEAVE A REPLYPlease enter your comment! Please enter your name here You have entered an incorrect email address!Please enter your email address here Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.